
Customer Success Roundup for the 14th February 2020

Akita’s Customer Success Roundup is a list of hand-picked resources from around the web brought to your inbox. We’ve enjoyed reading them and we hope you do too.

Senior Product Manager at Intercom, Robbie Allan publishes “Don’t Tell Me You Miss Me: 3 Better Approaches to User Retention“.

Customer Success consultant, Brooke Goodbary delves into “Why SaaS Customers Churn“.

Cira Apps’ Chief Marketing Officer, Sonya Pelia outlines “How ‘Product-Led Growth’ Can Propel Your SaaS Company to Success — No Sales Team Needed“.

Corey Haines, Head of Growth at Baremetrics, goes in-depth with some “Practical SaaS Retention Strategies That Move the Needle (Part One)“.

Unified Practice’s COO, Susanna Nilsson gives her take on “Why Customer Success Should Report to Operations“.

Sara Staffaroni from Getfeedback looks at how to “Drive More Revenue With CSAT, NPS, and CES“.

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