
Customer Success Roundup for the 14th May 2021

Akita’s Customer Success Roundup is a list of hand-picked resources from around the web brought to your inbox. We’ve enjoyed reading them and we hope you do too.

Mailshake Co founder, Sujan Patel, looks at a business function key to Customer Success in — “What the Heck Is Rev Ops and Why Should You Care?“.

On the Feedier blog, we learn — “Why Customer Success Plays a Vital Role in Feedback Collection“.

Director of CS at Spreedly, Mike Lee, writes about inclusivity in Customer Success (& Tech in General) in — “Why Belonging Matters“.

The team at Nickelled detail — “3 Easy Ways to Design a Great Onboarding Flow“.

Customer Evangelist at Help Scout, Mathew Patterson, explains “How Support Teams Can Improve Customer Retention“.

The Getfeedback team deliver — “A Guide to Transactional NPS (tNPS)“.

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